/*This script will only Apply CM to Invoice and will not initiate Refund. For Refund you will need to initiate ACTIVITY_APPLICATION which is written in my next post*/
K_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1;
K_init_msg_list CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := FND_API.g_false;
K_comments CONSTANT ar_receivable_applications.comments%TYPE := 'Test';
K_commit CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := FND_API.g_false;
l_acctd_amount_applied_from ar_receivable_applications_all. acctd_amount_applied_from%TYPE;
l_acctd_amount_applied_to ar_receivable_applications_all. acctd_amount_applied_to%TYPE;
l_cm_app_rec AR_CM_API_PUB.cm_app_rec_type;
l_msg_count NUMBER;
l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2555);
l_out_rec_application_id NUMBER;
l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
/* IMPORTANT: Before calling the API, you need properly initialize org/user/resp information, otherwise the API will fail.
Please read the following instructions to set these properly.
1. Setting Org Context
Oracle Application tables are striped by Org, and you first need to identify what org you are processing in
The procedure to set Org has changed between R11.5 and R12:
R11.5: fnd_client_info.set_org_context(&org_id);
R12: Mo_global.init('AR');
Mo_global.set_policy_context('S', 204);
2. User/Responsibility Information
Before running the API, you need to provide your login credentials using fnd_global.apps_initialize()
This procedure requires three parameters: UserId, ResponsibilityId, applicationId
See Step 1. above to get the proper values and use them in the following line of code
-- Set Org Context
-- see instructions above to identify what call you need to use, and uncomment that line below.
-- if you are on R11.5, remove the -- in the following line:
-- fnd_client_info.set_org_context(&org_id);
-- if you are on R12, remove the -- in the next 2 lines:
Mo_global.set_policy_context('S', 101);
-- Set User/Resp
Fnd_Global.apps_initialize(15548, 20678, 222);
l_cm_app_rec.cm_customer_trx_id := 67727;
l_cm_app_rec.cm_trx_number := null; -- Credit Memo Number
l_cm_app_rec.inv_customer_trx_id := 71762;
l_cm_app_rec.inv_trx_number := null; -- Invoice Number
l_cm_app_rec.installment := null;
l_cm_app_rec.applied_payment_schedule_id := null;
l_cm_app_rec.amount_applied := 7150;
l_cm_app_rec.apply_date := TRUNC(SYSDATE);
l_cm_app_rec.gl_date := TRUNC(SYSDATE);
l_cm_app_rec.inv_customer_trx_line_id := null;
l_cm_app_rec.inv_line_number := null;
l_cm_app_rec.show_closed_invoices := null;
l_cm_app_rec.ussgl_transaction_code := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute_category := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute1 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute2 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute3 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute4 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute5 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute6 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute7 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute8 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute9 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute10 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute11 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute12 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute13 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute14 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.attribute15 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute_category := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute1 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute2 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute3 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute4 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute5 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute6 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute7 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute8 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute9 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute10 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute11 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute12 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute12 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute14 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute15 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute16 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute17 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute18 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute19 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.global_attribute20 := null;
l_cm_app_rec.comments := K_comments;
l_cm_app_rec.called_from := null;
ar_cm_api_pub.apply_on_account(p_api_version => K_api_version,
p_init_msg_list => K_init_msg_list,
p_commit => K_commit,
p_cm_app_rec => l_cm_app_rec,
x_return_status => l_return_status,
x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
x_msg_data => l_msg_data,
x_out_rec_application_id => l_out_rec_application_id,
x_acctd_amount_applied_from => l_acctd_amount_applied_from,
x_acctd_amount_applied_to => l_acctd_amount_applied_to);
dbms_output.put_line('return_status: ' || l_return_status);
dbms_output.put_line('msg_count: ' || l_msg_count);
dbms_output.put_line('out_rec_application_id: ' ||
dbms_output.put_line('acctd_amount_applied_from: ' ||
dbms_output.put_line('acctd_amount_applied_to: ' ||
IF l_msg_count = 1 THEN
ELSIF l_msg_count > 1 THEN
FOR I IN 1 .. l_msg_count LOOP
dbms_output.put_line(I || '. ' || SubStr(FND_MSG_PUB.Get(p_encoded => FND_API.